aviansoph archive
to do
There are a lot of upgrades I'd like to make to this site, and content I'd like to add! Here's a list of some of my intentions:
adding content:
- the rest of my fics
- my podfics
- my zines
- my book reviews
- list of cnovels I've read/want to read
- general likes/dislikes page for exchanges
- my ao3 site skin
- bird shrine
- other hobby stuff?
- recs for websites and resources and other cool things
functional/aesthetic upgrades:
- commenting
- update font to atkinson hyperlegible
- theme picker
- rss feed
- include epub downloads for fic
- privacy-respecting analytics
- anti-scraping
linkding upgrades:
- update my install to latest version
- create guest profile and fix the view for shared bookmarks
- change the links for all the pinboard notes to direct somewhere else
- improve tagging for older bookmarks (including adding character tags and vibe tags)